2 months ago
– Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 08:52:28 AM
Hey everyone.
We have the Agents of Justice drop ready for you. Thank you for your patience while we prepared this one.
The agents of justice are the characters who will be dispatched to apprehend or eliminate you should you find yourself on the wrong side of the law (or the powerful) in Eldrona. The Infamy and Eminence mechanics is personally my favorite aspect of this project and the Agents of justice are a big part of that.
There are still some adjustments I would like to make. For example I want to change the font on the section header pages to something more readable. Also, for some reason our book designer forgot to put in the instructions for the modular equipment and abilities. In a nutshell all tiers may roll for both 1 modular equipment and 1 modular ability and the final tier may roll for 1 legendary action. We will of course put those changes in, we just didn't want to make you wait anymore for this drop.
As we mentioned in the previous update we've brought on two new writers to help us speed up the process of finishing the books. We have A TON of content besides what we've released so far it just hasn't been balanced and beautified with book design yet. But we are on a roll now and will get the rest out as fast as possible.
I've received a bunch of questions about this so I felt like i should address it.
We are currently running a campaign for an advent calendar of minis with an accompanying bestiary and 6 hour adventure. In fact, it's in the same IP/game world (Eldrona) as this project is. But because we are so far behind on delivering these books I didn't feel right about marketing it to this group. However, I've been asked a bunch about it so I need to address it.
Some may ask, why are we launching another campaign in this space when these books are not completed yet, and you would be right to wonder that.
The content for the mini's Advent Calendar is 100% complete . All the content in that project was repurposed from a big box board game we designed during the pandemic called Forbidden Sigil. For those of you who have been following me and my work for awhile now, you may remember me talking about in other campaigns and social media posts.
here's an pic of the entire game with sections pixelated out to conceal the minis. It's advent calendar after all. We can't spoil the fun by revealing them all.
The plan was always to launch that campaign now. That plan was in place BEFORE we launched the Flesh & Steel campaign and because manufacturing runs in factories need to be booked in advance, and was already held with a deposit, we had to proceed as planned and launch the project. And again, it's 100% complete so it's not taking away from our focus on Flesh & Steel.
We're not sure if we will ever release the board game now. There's still a chance. But we wanted to get some use out of the content and so created what we think is a pretty rad advent calendar or 25 minis. So for those of you asking. Yes, that's one of our projects.
We did a pre-campaign sign-up promo that got you this free 50mm mini for signing up to the landing page. As bonus for this group for the lateness of Flesh & Steel I will also extend this item to you for free should you want it. IF you decide to back the Calendar just reach out to me and I will make a note on your pledge to add this item for free after the campaign. It's a $10 add on otherwise.
I know someone is going to get mad that we have launched another project before the completion of this one. So again, I just want to reiterate. The calendar is 100% done and we had to move forward with it. It's not impeding the development of Flesh & Steel at all. In fact, if it does really well we can even hire more writers to help us get through these books.
okay so this has been a lengthy update so I will cut it there.
here's the link to all the drops including this newest Agents of Justice release.
link to slice and content drops
and here is the link to the Advent Calendar campaign if you'd like to check out the video and stuff.
we will also update the discord channel with the new drop. you can find it pinned to the top of the channel.
Have a great week everyone.
Oldrich Stibor
Publisher at Forbidden Arts